Dither and 192kHz Sample Rates

Bob Katz Leave a Comment

From: Sal Vito

My comments are: Bob, I read your review of the Weiss POW-r dither unit… fascinating!

Thanks, Sal.

Do you know anyone who is implementing POW-r in 24-192? Ideally I would need a direct-x or VST plugin… If not, is there any program that would work on a pc that can do this conversion? A hardware box would also do, I guess…

I think that the advantages of POW-r pretty much become insignificant at larger wordlengths. A simple high pass dither is suitable for reducing greater wordlengths to 24 bit.

In addition, if you’re remaining at 192 kHz, who would want to reduce the wordlength? What application would you conceive of where you would want to reduce the wordlength and stay at 192k? Every application I could think of would first be to sample rate convert to 44.1 K, and finally reduce the wordlength (dither to 16 bits) for compact disc.

What kind of dither do you guys usually use to convert 24-192 to 16 bit 44.1? Just curious…

First things first… you have to sample rate convert. The SRC I use is the Weiss SFC2. Say the output is a 24 bit, 44.1 kHz file. At that point, I usually use the POW-R dither to bring the signal down to 44.1/16. Always dither to 16 at the last step, never in any intermediate step.

Hope this helps,


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